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Katrina’s Secondment in Brussels at EuroHealthNet

Exciting developments unfolded in Brussels as Katrina Messiha concluded her secondment at EuroHealthNet on December 15th, 2023. In her role as an Academic and Policy Researcher, Katrina focused on crafting a Policy Précis addressing health equity through inclusive participatory processes. This document provides a comprehensive briefing for members and policymakers, exploring core principles, relevant EU policies and offering actionable recommendations.

Katrina also contributed to EuroHealthNet’s “Flashcard” series on ‘Social Dialogue and Inclusion of Workers’, aligning with the European Pillar of Social Rights. These practical flashcards aim to guide public health professionals and decision-makers in implementing the Pillar’s 20 key principles, each exploring the relevance of a different principle to the public health sector.

During her secondment, Katrina actively participated in conferences, including EuroHealthNet’s event on ‘Unlocking the Potential of the European Semester’ in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee.

Stay tuned for an upcoming informative report, policy précis and flashcard release. Keep your eyes peeled for more details!

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