Our recent interactive Dare2Share session at ISBNPA 2023 was an absolute hit! Packed with enlightening presentations and engaging activities. We kicked off with the ‘Church of Fail’ method, creating a safe space for participants to share their failure stories about recruitment, evaluation, and data management. They answered three questions: What did you fail at? How did you cope with it? What would you do differently? Next, in the ‘Solution Generation’ activity, groups of participants tackled common co-creation failures armed with our Health CASCADE Solution Canvas, to brainstorm and discuss potential solutions. The activity closed with nominated spokespersons from each group sharing the insights and solutions generated in the activity. The Dare2Share session ended with a few key reflections on what we learned together, and excitement filled the air as participants expressed their eagerness to implement this method within their organizations, fueled by the realization that embracing failure is the key to genuine progress. Let’s foster a culture of learning and innovation by embracing the power of failure! Want to know more? Then watch our promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0Scj_mbd5U