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Paracelsus Klinik Bremen

The Paracelsusklinik in Bremen belongs to the Paracelsuskliniken Germany which consists of about 35 health care institutions including acute medical care and rehabilitation for different medical specialities all over Germany. The clinic in Bremen provides both inpatient treatment and outpatient care for the fields of neurology, pain, neurosurgery and orthopaedics. This structure is beneficial for the continuation of caretaking of patients after inpatient treatment.

The department of neurology has great expertise in the field of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease. The main research focus is put on care structures in the group of neurodegenerative diseases.

The team at Paracelsus Klinik Bremen

PD Dr. Katja Odin

PD Dr. Katja Odin

PD Dr. Katja Odin studied at Medical High School in Hannover and got her main research training in Lund, Sweden (1995-1997). She started the neurological Department in the Paracelsus Klinik Bremen with the focus on neurodegenerative diseases in 2015 and is since then chief doctor of the neurological clinic in Bremen.

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