In a groundbreaking endeavor, Quentin Loisel and Danielle Agnello, supported by a great team of researchers, have pioneered a transformative approach to advancing co-creation research. Co-creation has been stymied by fragmented knowledge. To overcome this hurdle, they developed a meticulously curated open-access database leveraged by artificial intelligence (AI).
Two daunting challenges faced the team: the elusive nature of co-creation terminology and the overwhelming volume of published literature. The innovative solution was to broaden the definition of co-creation and employ AI to filter pertinent information. This approach resulted in a robust database containing 13,501 papers accessible via Zenodo.
The study’s implications extend beyond the database itself. By successfully employing AI in the systematic review process, the authors not only facilitate rapid literature reviews but also shed light on potential research collaboration gaps within the co-creation community. This pioneering work promises to democratize access to co-creation knowledge and catalyze progress in the field, ultimately bridging the divide between research and practice.
DOI: 10.2196/45059