While co-creation is a way of researching, which can supply you with a lot of positive energy, it can also be very time-consuming. Moreover, it is localized, making it difficult to generalize findings to broader contexts. Within Health CASCADE, we aim to adapt existing co-created interventions into new contexts in the best way. Adaptation is defined as the process that aims for a better fit between, for example, the context and the population of interest. It can be planned or intentional as well as responsive and can refer to the intervention as well as to the co-creation process. Are you conducting research that involves adaptation and fits this definition? Get in touch with us and be part of our study team. We are collecting several applied cases, to gather experiential findings and learnings. Interested? Please contact Giuliana (giulianaraffaellal@blanquerna.url.edu), Janneke (janneke.deboer@ugent.be), or Lea (lea.delfmann@ugent.be).