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Join the Health CASCADE Network

Hear from Health CASCADE and contribute to the development of a co-creation methodology

Health CASCADE Project

Health CASCADE is a Marie Skłodowska Curie Innovative Training Networks project funded by the European Union (H2020 MSCA ITN) (Project number 956501).

Co-creation is an exciting new approach for tackling contemporary societal challenges that confront us all as individuals and communities.

Health Cascade is a multidisciplinary expert network with young researchers from around the world, funded to deliver together the rigorous scientific methodology to make                Co-creation TRUSTWORTHY and EFFECTIVE.

We are developing theories, methods, technologies and we are testing them in the real world in multiple sectors (health, industry, education, urban planning, social care).

Health CASCADE Network

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Hear from Health CASCADE and contribute to the development of a co-creation methodology

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  Health CASCADE

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